ANNA Keystone Chapter 110
Calendar of Events

Temporarily Postponed
Keystone Chapter & Dogwood Chapter
present the
Annual Day of Learning
Virtual Zoom Presentations
All-Day Event (6 CH's) - $50.00
Individual CH's (individual CH's have to be paid for separately)
1. I Believe Neither Blood Pressures or Weights - $10.00
Christine Chmielewski, MS, CRNP, CNN-NP, APRN-BC
2. Making Our Workforce Full Inclusive - $10.00
Loretta Jackson Brown, PhD, MSN, RN, CNN
4. Incredible Edibles – PICA and CKD - FREE
Deborah Degree, BSN, RN
$50.00 for the all-day event (6 CH's)
$10.00 for individual CH's if you are unable to attend the full event.
Please Note: This is a two (2) step process.
1. You need to pay for the all-day or individual CH's (via PayPal or Registration form).
2. You need to complete the online registration to access the Zoom presentations.
5. Current and Future State of the Nursing Workforc Hard Truths - $10.00
Lillian Pryor, MSN, RN, CNN
6. PTSD in Healthcare Post COVID - $10.00
Paula Richards, DNP, RN, CNN
Activity Goal
To explore current issues to nephrology nurses,
PCT’s, Social Workers, Renal Dietitians, and
network with other nephrology professionals.
Continuing Education
This continuing nursing education activity was
approved by ANNA Keystone Chapter #110, an
accredited approver by the California Board of
Registered Nursing (CEP17534).
Click Here for more information and registration information (PDF: 1page, 136kb)
We want to thank our Corporate Sponsors
who help make this event possible.
Pentec Health -
3. Interview with Kratom: Who, What, Where, Why, and How It Impacts Healthcare - $10.00
Courtney Smith, BSN, RN, RMT